Class 6 Science in Hindi

by Tiwari Academy



Ncert Solutions for Class 6 Science - Vigyan in Hindi Medium is revised and modified as per new syllabus for 2023-24. The number of chapters in ratioinalised ncert book class 6 Science for current year has been reduced. This app provides the solutions of these chapters which are in syllabus for session 2023-24. It is useful for Teachers, Parents and Students. Parents can guide their kids using answers given here. Teachers can suggest their students to take help from the answers given in the app. It is for Offline use based on latest CBSE Syllabus contains the following chapters:कक्षा 6 विज्ञान के प्रश्न उत्तर - एनसीईआरटी समाधान अध्याय 1: भोजन के घातकअध्याय 2: वस्तुओं के समूह बनानाअध्याय 3: पदार्थो का पृथक्करणअध्याय 4: पौधो को जानिएअध्याय 5: शरीर में गतिअध्याय 6: सजीव एवं उनका परिवेशअध्याय 7: गति एवं दूरिओं का मापनअध्याय 8: प्रकाश – छायाएँ एवं परावर्तनअध्याय 9: विधुत तथा परिपथअध्याय 10: चुंबकों द्वारा मनोरंजनअध्याय 11: हमारे चारों ओर वायुNote: Earlier there were 16 chapters in class 6 Science (Vigyan) but now only 11 chapters are in curriculum for academic session 2023-24. Rest 5 chapters are removed from the syllabus. This, Class 6 Science App, contains only 11 chapters which are in course now. For any inconvenience, please call us for assistance. This app is helpful for all the teachers and parents who need the Science answers in Hindi Medium. For other contents like Class 6 Science Video solutions in Hindi Medium, study material, PDF file contents, and chapter explanation, visit to website and get it for exams.